Detective agency with a licence in Belgium and the Netherlands
It is only natural that you will want to know who you are doing business with before you contract out an investigation. This is logical, as investigations usually involve strictly confidential matters or issues that require exceptional discretion. Since all investigations must be carried out within the current laws and regulations, every detective agency needs to hold the right licences. It is only in this way that the evidence gathered will be legally valid.
The detectives at SV Investigations are personally accredited in both Belgium and the Netherlands by FPS Home Affairs and the Ministry of Security and Justice respectively.
Sophie Vanslambrouck holds the following licences: 14.1720.05 (Belgium) – POB 1375 (the Netherlands)
Joost Blondiau holds the following licences: 14.1916.07 (Belgium) – POB 1635 (the Netherlands)
Since 2016, we have been the first and only detective agency in Belgium to hold a BPOB certification from Stichting N’Lloyd. This means that we meet strict requirements on security, continuous education and data protection. Our foremost concern in every case is to fully protect everyone’s privacy. Our knowledge as Data Protection Officers (DPO) means that we strictly observe the legislation on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as well as compliance matters.